Web Links

HIV Prevention

CDC HIV prevention information - A comprehensive overview about the various methods to prevent HIV, including PrEP, condoms, U=U, and syringe services programs.

National Institutes of Health – A summary of tips and prevention methods that have become standard practice.

What does the research show? – Scholarly articles about HIV prevention and education provided by Google.

The Body – A good source of prevention HIV information that dates back to the beginning of the AIDS crisis.

PrEP Locator - Supported by the National Prevention Information Network, this convenient search tool allows you to locate PrEP providers in your area.

m4mHealthyInfo.org - A regional source of prevention and testing information for gay an bisexual men in Pennsylvania.



State Health Care Centers - State Centers are open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4 p.m.

HIV Prevention and Care Project - A regional resource created in partnership with the PA Department of Health, providing HIV prevention, testing, and care resources in Pennsylvania.

You can also search for care providers (and othe HIV services) using the National Prevention Information Network (NPIN) database.

m4mHealthySex.org lists health care resources for gay and bisexual men in the Commonwealth, with a specific health directory focusing on Southwestern Pennsylvania.

General HIV/AIDS Information

AIDSVu provides an interactive map that tracks incidents of HIV in the U.S., as well as HIV service providers.

The CDC HIV information page includes a wide range of topics, including a resource library, HIV statistics, and listings of testing centers nationwide.

Civil Rights - Information from the Office of Civil Rights at HHS explaining the rights of individuals with HIV.

The Mid Atlantic AIDS Education and Training Center provides capacity building courses to the communities who need them most.

HOPWA - Federal program dedicated to addressing the housing needs of low-income people living with HIV/AIDS and their families.

The Body - A reliable source of news and information regardng HIV/AIDS dating back to the 1980's.
Research and Clinical Trials
  • Centerwatch Clinical Trials Listing Service is a database divided into two categories: one category is for information for patient resources and the other category is an industry professionals resources directory.

  • Grants site provides specific information on the following topics: answers to frequently asked questions on preparing and submitting an application, schedule of submission, review, and award cycles, program guidelines to support research and trainng, RFPs, information for new "Grantees", public health service grants, applications for fellowship awards, and small business funding opportunities.

  • Reviews all the basics for participating in a clinical research trial.

  • Find an HIV clinical trial in Pennsylvania with this service provided by the National Institutes of Health.

  • The Penn ACTU carries out clinical trials studying new treatments against HIV infection, AIDS, and AIDS-related opportunistic infections. The Penn ACTU is a member of the AIDS Clinical Trials Group supported by funds from the National Institute of Allergy and Infection Diseases (NIAID) in Washington, D.C.

Stigma Reduction

AIDSVu News & Updates provides up-to-date HIV information, including research that tracks incidents of stigma in the U.S.

The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) focuses on media representation and advocacy to shape a more inclusive narrative for the LGBTQ community, challenging stereotypes and fostering understanding.

The HIV Prevention and Care Project maintains an ongoing database of news and research regarding HIV stigma.

The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) advocates for LGBTQ rights on a global scale, working towards achieving equality and combating discrimination through education and political activism.

Lambda Legal won the first HIV discrimination lawsuit in the nation and continue to fight for the rights of individuals living with the virus.

The National LGBTQ Task Force works towards social and economic justice for LGBTQ individuals, advocating for policy changes and promoting inclusivity through grassroots activism.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services lists their efforts to reduce stigma nationwide.



PA Department of Human Services

The Department of Human Services, Office of Medical Assistance Programs administers and operates three HIV/AIDS specific programs.  Some of these documents are in Adobe PDF format. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader, click on this link to download it.

1) AIDS Waiver Program – a federally approved special program which allows the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to provide certain home and community-based services not provided under the regular fee-for-service program to persons with symptomatic HIV disease or AIDS.

Additional Information may be obtained from the Waiver Implementation Unit at the following address and number:
AIDS Waiver Program
PO Box 2675
555 Walnut Street, 5th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17105-2675

2) Special Pharmaceutical Benefits Program (SPBP) is a program for low and moderate income individuals and families that helps pay for specific drug therapies used for the treatment of persons with HIV/AIDS or a DSM IV diagnosis for schizophrenia. The HIV/AIDS side of the SPBP is usually called AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) in other states.   APPLY HERE.

3) Targeted Case Management Program is a program that provides targeted medical assistance clients with access to comprehensive medical and social services to encourage the cost effective use of medical care and community resources, while ensuring the client’s freedom of choice and promoting the well-being of the individual. Individuals who wish to enroll as Targeted Case Managers must complete a Base Provider Enrollment Application, an Outpatient Provider Agreement, and an HIV Provider Case Management Addendum.

This program was developed to help patients with low incomes receive the medication they need. The information on this page includes a program description, eligibility criteria, benefits information, instructions for completing the enrollment form, and a downloadable version of the application for enrollment.

If you have any questions regarding the SPBP, please call the SPBP staff Monday through Friday (with the exception of state holidays) from 9 AM to 4 PM at 1-800-922-9384 or visit the SPBP web site at the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services. All information supplied is strictly confidential.