a groop of diverse people in a training

HIV Prevention and Care Project provides a range of HIV-related, evidence-based trainings, including: d-up! Defend Yourself, 3MV (Many Men Many Voices),POL (Popular Opinion Leader), and Mpowerment. For more information about HPCP and other Department of Health sponsored trainings, contact HPCP’s training program coordinator Debra Dennison at dpd2@pitt.edu.

Current Training Schedules:

 HIV Basics Online Course

Capacity Building and Training Registration

Mental Health Courses and Registration

More information about evidence-based and general HIV-related trainings:

Evidence Based Interventions & Strategies

ARTAS (Anti-Retroviral Treatment and Access to Services) – ARTAS is a linkage to care time-limited intervention with the goal of linking recently diagnosed persons with HIV to medical care soon after receiving their positive test result

d-up! Defend Yourself –  d-up! targets young Black MSM; promote social norms of condom use and assist participants to recognize and handle risk related racial and sexual bias

3MV (Many Men Many Voices) – 3MV targets black MSM; addresses factors that influence the behavior of black men MSM, including cultural, social, and religious norms; interactions between HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases; sexual relationship dynamics; and the social and psychological influences that racism and homophobia have on HIV risk behaviors.

PfH (Partnerships for Health) – PfH targets HIV positive individuals designed to improve patient-provider communication about safer sex, disclosure of HIV positive disclosure, and HIV prevention

VOICES/VOCES (Video Opportunities for Innovative Condom Education & Safer Sex) – VOICES is a single session video-based intervention designed to increase condom use

POL (Popular Opinion Leader) – POL trains, and enlists the help of key opinion leaders to promote progress toward consistent HIV prevention practices through community mobilization and distribution of small-media materials and risk reduction supplies.

Mpowerment – Mpowerment mobilizes young MSM and bisexual men to reduce sexual risk taking and encourages HIV testing and positive social connections.

PROMISE for HIP – PROMISE relies on role model stories and peer advocates from social network to reduce HIV risk behaviors and increase engagements related to the HIV continuum of care

Healthy Relationships – Healthy Relationships targets HIV positive individuals; focuses on developing skills and building self-efficacy and positive expectations about new behaviors through modeling behaviors and practicing new skills or HIV positive individuals.

Social Network Strategies – Social Network Strategies utilizes recruiters from the target population; builds on the existing trust within a social network to identify and provide HIV testing to reach individuals with undiagnosed HIV.

Fundamentals of HIV Prevention – Fundamentals of HIV Prevention provides staff with a six-step protocol for incorporating HIV prevention/risk reduction within the context of rapid and non-rapid HIV testing, and how to deliver HIV test results.

Foundation & Support Trainings

Cultural Competency and High Risk HIV Populations – Assist agency staff build to awareness, knowledge, and skills in developing and implementing inclusive and responsive practices within the work

Social Determinants and Health Equity: Widening the Lens in HIV Prevention – Examines the impact of social determinants of health on HIV risk, prevalence and access to services. A model and continuum of approaches is introduced to assist prevention and care providers with implementation strategies to address these concerns.

HIV Stigma and Access To Care –  Provides knowledge and skills necessary to improve organizational capacity to deliver HIV/AIDS education, care and support services

Intimate Partner Violence and the HIV Intersection – Examines the intersection between partner violence and HIV; provides an overview of intimate partner violence, HIV basics, IPV risk awareness and reduction, and HIV/IPV assessment tools

HIV/AIDS In depth Course for Case Managers and Small Group Facilitators (Full Day Course) – Interactive training highlighting HIV/AIDS transmission; prevention; statistical data and trends, with a focus on high risk populations; HIV determinants of health; HIV replication and relationship to treatment; HIV antibody testing; PA confidentiality law; National HIV/AIDS Strategy and High Impact Prevention; resources; incorporating appropriate HIV information in one on one client sessions; facilitation skills;

HIV: The Basics in the Age of High Impact Prevention –  Provides basic understanding of HIV infection and AIDS, including transmission, prevention HIV testing, and epidemiology trends, HIV replication, treatment as prevention, and PA Act 148/59 (PA Confidentiality of HIV-Related Information Act)

Motivational Interviewing – Introduces the theory, principles and spirit of motivational interviewing counseling. Through interactive activities participants will develop skills to incorporate motivational interviewing approach into their counseling.

Facilitation Skills for Group Level STD/HIV Behavioral Interventions –  Participants assess skills and strengths, exploring incorporate different learning styles to create richer learning environments,

Go here to the Centers for Disease Control to learn more about Evidence Based Interventions and Strategies!