HIV Testing in Nonclinical Settings February 5th and 6th, 9:15 am to 4:00 pm

testing stick
This training is now closed. Check back for future HIV Testing in Nonclinical Settings trainings.  HIV Testing in Nonclinical Settings is CDC’s latest HIV testing training for nonclinical settings. It is a streamlined Six-Step Protocol training reflective of the scientific advances and evidence informed updates outlined in CDC’s 2016 guidance,


February 5, 2025 - 9:15 am


February 6, 2025 - 9:15 am


Virtual   View map


Capacity Building

This training is now closed. Check back for future HIV Testing in Nonclinical Settings trainings. 

HIV Testing in Nonclinical Settings is CDC’s latest HIV testing training for nonclinical settings. It is a streamlined Six-Step Protocol training reflective of the scientific advances and evidence informed updates outlined in CDC’s 2016 guidance, Implementing HIV Testing in Nonclinical Settings: A Guide for HIV Testing Providers. Key influences on this curriculum have been shifts in HIV prevention. care, treatment, and the policies that followed, emphasis on serostatus specific referral and active linkage. A person’s current circumstances are explored with less extensive pre and post test counseling.

Prerequisite: Link sent with confirmation letter prior to training

Training Objectives

▪ Utilize communication techniques to successfully build client rapport
▪ Incorporate window period summary in client focused re-testing messaging where both rapid and nonrapid testing offered
▪ Integrate the HIV Seven-Step Protocol into the HIV antibody testing process
▪ Improve the ability to link clients living with or at high risk for HIV into care and prevention services
▪ Define Program Collaboration Service Integration of viral hepatitis, STIs, and TB into offered screening services.

9  Nursing CEU credits available.




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