Penn State and Pitt team up to offer free HIV test kits with a focus on communities most at risk
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that some racial/ethnic groups are at higher risk for getting HIV than others. CDC data shows that Black/African American communities account for a higher proportion of new HIV infections as compared to other races and ethnicities. In 2018, Black/African Americans accounted for 13% of the US population but […]
CDC: People who are immunocompromised should get an additional dose of COVID-19 vaccine
From… The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends people who are moderately to severely immunocompromised get an additional dose of the Moderna or Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine after the initial two doses. Widespread vaccination is a critical tool to help stop the pandemic. This includes: Recipients of organ or stem cell transplants People with advanced or […]
New National Challenge to Reduce HIV-Related Stigma and Disparities
From… The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has launched The HIV Challenge, a national competition to engage communities to reduce HIV-related stigma and increase prevention and treatment among racial and ethnic minority people. The HIV Challenge is part of a new partnership between the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health […]
NIH Funding Opportunity for Delivering PrEP and STI Services to Stop HIV
From… The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has issued a Request for Applications (RFA) for research on effective strategies for expanding the provision of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for people at increased risk of HIV by leveraging existing sexually transmitted infection (STI) programs. Research supported by this initiative should be based on point of […]
Individuals living with HIV in Pennsylvania are invited to share their opinions with the Department of Health in setting HIV funding, care, and prevention priorities in the state. Priority Setting is a part of HIV Planning in Pennsylvania and offers a special chance for individuals living with HIV to have their opinions recorded. These responses […]
How Does COVID-19 Affect People with HIV?
From… We are still learning about COVID-19 and how it affects people with HIV. This is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation and scientists are learning more every day. Visit COVID-19 and HIV FAQs from CDC for the latest information. Feeling sick? Call your health care provider if you develop symptoms that could be consistent with COVID-19. Most people […]
Register Now – 40 Years of Progress – It’s Time to End the HIV Epidemic: Webinar
From… On Tuesday, June 1, 2021, the HHS Office of Infectious Disease and HIV/AIDS Policy (OIDP) invites stakeholders nationwide to a virtual webinar commemorating the 40th anniversary of the first report of what would become known as AIDS. The webinar—40 Years of Progress: It’s Time to End the HIV Epidemic— hosted by OIDP, United States Public Health Service […]
Social Workers Helping Older Adults with HIV Survey
From the Professional Association of Social Workers… The HIV Age Positively: A Social Work Response Initiative seeks to address the unique challenges experienced by individuals aging with HIV & AIDS. As we strive to identify and enhance social work practices especially to address the unique challenges experienced by those aging with HIV/AIDS, we would like to […]
National Asian and Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day May 19th
May 19 is National Asian & Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, a day devoted to eliminating HIV stigma in API communities. Learn more about the impact of HIV on these populations online at and ‘ If you’re looking for testing resources, you can go to and search by zip code to find local testing […]
An epidemic during a pandemic: 40 years since HIV
From… Williamsport, Pa — The Coronavirus pandemic is not the only virus which has upended the lives of countless millions. On June 5, 1981, Americans heard the first rustlings of what soon became known as the AIDS epidemic. Few could have predicted the widespread havoc this new virus was about to have on the […]