Combination Anti-HIV Antibody Infusions Suppress Virus for Sustained Period

From… Individuals with HIV who began taking antiretroviral therapy (ART) in the early stages of infection achieved a lengthy period of HIV suppression without ART after receiving two broadly neutralizing anti-HIV antibodies (bNAbs), according to a small study published today in the journal Nature . The findings suggest that combination bNAb therapy might offer a […]


April 10th is National Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day

From… Saturday, April 10, marks National Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day (NYHAAD) 2021. Traditionally, it’s a “day to educate the public about the impact of HIV and AIDS on young people,” according to the nonprofit Advocates for Youth, which spearheads NYHAAD. The group adds, “The day also highlights the  HIV prevention, treatment and care campaigns of young people […]


Researchers document third known case of HIV remission

From… A woman with HIV who received a cord blood stem cell transplant to treat acute myeloid leukemia has had no detectable levels of HIV for 14 months despite cessation of antiretroviral therapy (ART), according to a presentation at today’s Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI). This is the third known case of […]


Today is National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

From POZ Magazine online… Monday, February 7, marks National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NBHAAD) 2022. By numerous measures, Black Americans are disproportionately affected by the HIV epidemic. NBHAAD highlights related challenges while raising awareness about prevention, testing, treatment and more. “This #NBHAAD we are focused on equity,” tweeted the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s […]


World AIDS Day 2021 message from UNAIDS Executive Director Winnie Byanyima

Dear friends,  Greetings on this World AIDS Day, and my solidarity with all around the world as we confront the impact of colliding pandemics. This year, the world agreed on a bold plan that, if leaders fulfil it, will end AIDS by 2030. That’s so exciting. But today we, as the Joint United Nations Programme […]

By Ray Yeo | Events . HIV

Two People With HIV Suppressed Virus After Stopping Treatment

From US News and World Report… In one patient, viral suppression lasted nearly three and a half years, with occasional rebounds in virus counts. The other patient had nearly complete HIV suppression for close to four years, but then had a big surge when he was infected with a different HIV strain, a situation called […]


HIV Planning: Be a Part of the Conversation!

Are you a resident of Pennsylvania who has been impacted by HIV/AIDS? Consider volunteering for the HIV Planning Group (HPG)! The HPG contributes to the development of the HIV Prevention and Care Plan for the State Department of Health. The Plan implements ongoing activities to reduce HIV and improve the quality of life of people […]


Tell Me About It: busting myths and celebrating progress

From… Tell Me About It: HIV Conversations in the Community is a six-part podcast series of honest conversations, sharing accurate and trustworthy information about HIV and sexual and reproductive health in a friendly and open way. It’s a personal, engaging and honest look at what it really means to live with HIV today, and […]


What to know about HIV and transgender men

From Medical News Today online… Most scientific studies relating to HIV and transgender people focus on transgender women — research about HIV and transgender men is limited. According to research from 2018, this is because HIV prevalence is thought to be higher among transgender women: approximately 25–31%, compared with 0–3% among transgender men. Other research, from the University […]


Study: Combining PrEP with U=U yields incredible results

From… When people use a combination of HIV prevention methods, researchers found there was a significant drop in HIV transmission. Published in the academic journal HIV Medicine, the study found that using several methods such as taking PrEP, early HIV diagnosis from frequent testing, and proper antiretroviral treatment decreased transmission by 80 percent. The research […]

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