Be a part of the fight against HIV/AIDS in Pennsylvania by joining the HPG

The HIV Planning Group (HPG) consists of volunteers who work with the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Dividsion of HIV Disease, in creating a unified, strategic fight against HIV in the commonwealth.

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The HPG offers a range of HIV-related experience from around the state. Their primary function is to develop the multi-year Comprehensive HIV Care Service Plan. The 5-year Plan provides guidance to the Department of Health, and other organizations in the state, in addressing HIV disease in the state. It covers a range of topics regarding prevention, testing, access to care, quality treatment, and helping people stay in care. You can access a pdf of the 2017-2021 plan here.

If your interested in becoming a member of the HPG, you can find out more on our Capacity Building Program webstie

You can also click on the documents below for an applicaion and spcific insturcitons on how to apply for memebership…

Still have questions? Email our recruitment representative, Corrine Bozich, at Applications are due  by November 24th.

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