MMWR Supplement on National HIV Behavioral Surveillance Among Transgender Women—Seven Urban Areas, United States, 2019-2020
From SAGE Public Health Reports…
The analyses presented in the MMWR Supplement “National HIV Behavioral Surveillance Among Transgender Women—Seven Urban Areas, 2019-2020” highlight findings from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National HIV Behavioral Surveillance Among Transgender Women (NHBS-Trans) project conducted during 2019-2020. Each article in the supplement presents findings related to unique aspects of the lived experience and health of transgender women in the United States. However, taken together, the analyses elucidate a vivid picture of the challenging health care experiences of transgender women in the United States. To accelerate health equity, leaders of health care institutions should better recognize transgender patients’ health disparities and work to remediate barriers to primary and preventive care. Transgender people’s health can thrive both when they are free to express who they are and when they are able to access affirming health care services. The data presented in this supplement support scientific and journalistic evidence that not all transgender people experience health equity.