Expanding PrEP Coverage in the United States to Achieve EHE Goals

From HIV.gov

These data provide additional evidence that HIV prevention efforts in the U.S. are moving in the right direction. Earlier this year, CDC published data that showed accelerated progress in reducing new HIV infections over the past five years, likely due to expanded testing, treatment, and PrEP. This progress is promising, and efforts must be further strengthened and expanded to reach all populations equitably and achieve our national goals.

Overall in 2022, 36% of the 1.2 million people who could benefit from PrEP were prescribed it, compared to 23% in 2019, the year that EHE was announced. Today’s data also show progress in increasing PrEP uptake in virtually all EHE jurisdictions, despite the unprecedented public health challenges funding recipients faced during this period with the COVID-19 pandemic and outbreaks of mpox, which consumed considerable resources as EHE efforts were just getting underway.

graf shows increase of prep usage in the U S

Read the full article on HIV.gov.

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