The HIV Prevention and Care Project provides technical assistance, information, and resources to aid the Pennsylvania Department of Health in fighting HIV and other sexually transmitted infections in the commonwealth. Through our work at the University of Pittsburgh School of Public Health, we also create and manage community-based initiatives, including Project Silk, Acceptance Journeys, Capacity Building and Planning, Stakeholder Engagement, and the Online Outreach Program.
The HPCP website also serves as a resource for HIV and STI testing, treatment, and prevention information in Pennsylvania. You can also stay up to date on HIV-related news and information by searching our archie of posts.

Contact HPCP:
HIV Prevention and Care Project
University of Pittsburgh
School of Public Helath
Public Health Building, Floor 2
130 DeSoto St.
Pittsburgh PA 15213
Phone 412-383-3000
Fax 412-383-1513
Email for website content: