Pennsylvania’s HIV Planning Group, affiliates, and friends E-News update
Division of HIV Health adopts new purpose statement
The Pennsylvania Department of Health, Division of HIV Health has developed a new purpose statement. This statement is meant to clarify and communicate the division’s focus:
As the Division of HIV Health, our purpose is to provide high quality and comprehensive HIV prevention and care services. Through collaboration with individuals, providers, and communities; we strive to remove systemic and structural barriers, advance health equity, reduce new HIV incidence, reduce stigma and ensure access to and availability of resources for Pennsylvanians affected by HIV.
“Health To Go” vending machines up and running
New “Health To Go” vending machines are up and running in Harrisburg and Reading, PA, with an additional machine opening soon in Millersburg. These smart machines dispense free health supplies, including safer-sex and HIV test kits. For details, please visit https://research.med.psu.edu/health-to-go-vending-machines/
Ready, Set, PrEP enrollment closed
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services stopped accepting enrollees in its Ready, Set, PrEP (RSP) program as of yesterday, July 30, 2024. Current RSP enrollees can continue to fill their prescriptions at participating pharmacies. NASTAD will continue to provide updates as new information becomes available. Please visit NASTAD’s PrEP Assistance Programs website to find additional PrEP resources.
National DoxyPEP guidance
The CDC recently published new guidance on the use of DoxyPEP (Doxycycline as an STI postexposure prophylaxis). A corresponding health alert from the PA Dept. of Health is available for download…
Pennsylvania disability snapshot
Because HIV intersects with disability issues on many fronts, attached is a recently published CDC snapshot of how disabilities affect Pennsylvanians.
Mpox update
The National Coalition for LGBTQ Health invites you to join them on Tuesday, August 13 at 12:00pm ET for a free webinar that will provide an in-depth look at the current state of U.S. and global Mpox outbreaks. The webinar will focus on education, awareness, uptake, and access to the vaccine and treatment needs. Expert faculty will discuss the intersection of Mpox and the syndemics of LGBTQIA+ health, emphasizing prevention and care impacts, as well as our knowledge of breakthrough infections and issues affecting potential treatment resistance. Please note that continuing education credits are not available for this webinar. To register, please visit: https://tinyurl.com/MpoxTwoYearsLater
Fall 2024 case management series
A special training series will be offered by the MAAETC this fall for Pennsylvania case managers, but also welcoming anyone in our state who works in HIV prevention and care. You can download the flyer here…