SPBP Advisory Council meeting was held virtually on July 25th
The Statewide Special Pharmaceutical Benefits Program (SPBP) Advisory Council has been established by the Department of Health, Division of HIV Disease to aid the Division in the carrying out of its Federal grant responsibilities for the Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C.A. § 300ff-26). This Council holds four public meeting a year in service of this goal: two in Harrisburg, PA, and two electronically.
The most recent meeting was held virtually on Thursday, July 25th.
Meeting agenda:
Minutes from the previous April meeting can be found here. Additional meeting documents can be found on our meeting schedual page.
The SPBP Advisory Council provides program guidance and recommendations to the SPBP in regard to: drug formulary; covered lab services; drug utilization review; clinical programs; eligibility; and SPBP management. The HIV Prevention and Care Project supports the Council in its meetings and work, including hosting all publicly available information and deliverables on this site.
For more information about the meeting, and the SPBP, please contact John Haines at c-johaines@pa.gov.